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More by Kimberley Hart- New Release!

Book: more. A Collection Author: Kimberly Hart Link: Goodreads


The debut poetry collection of Kimberly Hart. Words from a woman that is more than just a mom, more than just a lover, more than just a friend. Poems that capture the complexity of the heart, giving you a glimpse into the intricate inner musings of someone longing and searching for something more. Love & Life. Hope & Loss. Light & Dark. Raw & Gritty.

Do you want more?

Warning: This work contains subject matter that is adult in nature. Intended to be read by those 18 and older.


My Review More is the debut poetry collection from debut author Kimberley Hart, and boy is it a stunner! Throughout the book you are dragged through a torrent of emotions, from joy, dispair, heartache… its like you’ve been thrown around in the washing machine! Honestly, get your tissues ready with this one, because i came out the other side an emotional wreck! Ms Hart’s writing is excellent. I don’t have much more to say about this, just that More. is a damn good piece of art and i want MORE! I recommend it! 5/5 stars



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