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Outback Wonder by Juliet M Sampson – Review!!!

Imagine my surprise when the sweet Juliet Sampson offered to send me a paperback copy of her latest book, Outback Wonder. Of course i jumped at the chance to review it. I just finished it, so here are my thoughts…

Outback Wonder follows the story of seventeen year old Hannah. After her parents’ separation, she struggles with the fact her father walked out on her and her mother. She blames herself badly. At the beginning she is diagnosed with depression and i really felt for her. This drew me into the book straight away, as i too have been there (not with my parents separating. They are still together. With depression.) I hoped she would pull through. I often went through the same feelings when i was Hannah’s age. Out of the blue, Hannah receives an email from her dad inviting her to spend some time with him in the Flinder’s Ranges. She is reluctant to go at first, but she finally accepts. From here, we are thrust into a great journey of not only self discovery, but descriptions of the beautiful Australian bush. Juliet paints a vivid image of Lake Eyre and the outback. I could imagine myself being there. Hannah meets Sam, a cute young pilot. I loved reading about their budding romance, and i had hoped to read more about Sam and Hannah when he came to Adelaide. But Juliet leaves room for your imagination to go on an adventure of its own. I really enjoyed Outback Wonder and recommend it to all lovers of Young Adult fiction. 5/5 shooting stars.

To read more about Juliet and her other young adult stories, and to join to her mailing list, make sure you check out her website:


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