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Sanity is a Matter of Opinion by Becky Elizabeth – Cover Reveal!

Author: Becky Elizabeth

Title: Sanity is a matter of opinion

Release Date: October 2017

Cover Design: Inkstain Design Studio/Nadège Richards


My feelings look like a painting drawn by a child; all scribbles, escaping the lines, chaotic.

My feelings break the rules, defy logic, miss their due dates and fail.”

In this eclectic, disjointed, and slightly nutty debut collection, you will learn that feelings make no sense, true love does exist – as long as you’re willing to fight for it, nothing inspires an author like a broken heart and when it comes to your demons – never forget these three rules:

(1) No bright lights. (2) Don’t get them wet. (3) NEVER feed them after midnight; no matter how much they beg.

Sanity, my dear friends, is most certainly matter of opinion.


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