The day is finally here where i get to share with you all the blurb and cover for my new series, The Aqua Saga, a 5 book dystopian novella series.
The First book, The Aqua Secret will be here at the end of this month. I’m so excited to finally share this story with you. It’s been over 1 year in the making and i can finally let the secret out.
I may just be a little biased about this cover, but i think it’s my favourite of Regina’s work to date!

Title: The Aqua Secret
Series: The Aqua Saga
Genre: YA Dystopian/ sci fi
Release Date: March 31st 2014
The year is 2042 and the world has been consumed by water.
Those who survived the great floods of 2012 clung to the debris of the Old World from which they rebuilt their lives.
Pym Maddox thought life was good living on the floating city called Aqua. Harboring secret feelings for her best friend, the smoldering Rush Rodgers, was the least of her problems. Rush is the son of her father’s second in command, a boy whom her father approved of – or so she thought. After her people are moved onto her father’s navy vessel, a motion which is only the start of the torrent of secrets that begin to unravel. Pym’s search for answers lead her and Rush to a secret underwater lab that just might hold the answers to everything.
Pym soon discovers that the world she grew up in is not what it seems, and her father may hold the key to unlocking the biggest secret of all – the reason Pym and Rush have a mysterious connection to the water.
Secrets and water have one thing in common: they get distorted on the surface.

Because i am feeling just a little generous today, here is an exlusive excerpt from The Aqua Secret! Enjoy 😉 (Unedited and set to change)
I hear my name and know it must be Rush. He’s coming after me, so I swim faster. His voice is closer now.
“Pym!” Then comes the persistent banging.
“Pym, wake up!” Now I know I’m not dreaming. Ignoring my lack of clothes, I groan and slide out of the bunk I’m in, landing on the cold metal floor. How did I get here? Where am I? I didn’t have time to deliberate over the situation, because the person on the other side of the door kept banging. I hurry over to the door because the banging has gotten more persistent by the second.
“Coming. Hold your horses!” I unlock the bolt across the door and yank it open. Rush tumbles in, fist raised to knock again.
“Rush? What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here, my father will kill you.”
“Can I talk to you?”
“Sure, but in the morning.” I try and shut the door in his face but his hand stops it.
“Please. I have to speak to you now.”
“Fine.” I exhale. “Come in before anyone sees you.” I grab his shirt and pull him inside. He forgets about the lip all the watertight doors here have and trips over it, crashing into me and sending us tumbling backwards. He lands on top of me and I can’t breathe. He raises his head and looks at me with those incredible blue eyes I love. My breath catches in my throat as something stirs inside me. Something I have been denying for years. His dark hair hangs over those blue sapphires dashingly, driving me crazy. I push away the sudden urge to lean up and kiss him. “You’re crushing me,” I gasp.
“Oh, sorry.” He uses the floor either side of us to push himself up and once he’s to his feet he offers his hand for me.
“Thank you.” I take it and his strong arm pulls him up. It is now I feel naked and vulnerable as his teenage eyes take in my long bare legs, my very short boy- leg shorts and black training t-shirt.
“Nice PJ’s.”
“Thanks.” I attempt to hide my flushed cheeks when I shove his chest. “Now say what you have to say before I throw you out.”
He exhales and looks up at my face. “I just want to say that I… I had a bad dream and I can’t sleep.”
“A dream about what?” I say as I sit down on the lower bunk bed.
“I dreamt that Aqua was sinking.”
I stare at him in disbelief. “Sinking? Impossible.”
“It could happen you know, if one of the other militias decide to set missiles on us.”
“Rush, my dad has made it clear there are no other militias. There are no other communities but ours.”
“That is where you’re wrong.”
I stand up and begin pacing. “No, it’s not true. My father has told me that…”
“Your father is lying to you. Your father has been lying to all of us.”
“Rush, that is a dangerous accusation you’re making.”
“I don’t care. I know what I saw.”
My eyes widen. “What you saw? What are you talking about?”
“I was out on patrol with my father this morning when I saw something in the distance.”
“It could be a mirage. You know how the ocean plays tricks on you.”
“No, I know its another community. My dad even hinted at it.”
“He knows something. I asked him what it could be and he changed the subject like he didn’t want me to know. I’m telling you Pym, we’re not the only survivors.”
I sat back down beside him. “Okay, lets say its true. We can’t really go telling our parents about it. They’ll call us foolish children and brush us aside, or even worse, believe us and go killing them.”
“We don’t even know what they’re like, the others,” Rush said.
“Which is the reason we should go and investigate. We could swim over there and…”
“Are you insane?” I gripped his arm, nails biting into his flesh.
“Yes, I am. Insane is my middle name,” he grinned. I wacked him.
“I’m serious, Rush. Our parents would never allow it and…”
“And they aren’t going to know. It’ll be our little secret.” He moved closer and placed a finger on my lips. In that moment I was very aware of how close we were. Our thighs touched and so did our gazes. Years of crushing on him, loving him, boiled down to this very moment. I wanted to lean forward and kiss him so bad. I don’t know why a second later I changed the subject and moved back.
“Where are we? We aren’t in my room or yours.”
“I know. We’re in your father’s vessel.”
“What? Why?” I knew this was serious. We never fled to the ship. It was only used on patrol missions.
“Someone triggered the alarm. I don’t know who, but I was on my way to my room when I found your Mom standing outside with you. You fainted, Pym.”
“Fainted?” This was so weird. I never fainted.
“Yeah. I carried you onto the ship.”
“Where were you?”
“Out on patrol like I said.”
“Oh.” I looked down at my hands, looping my thumbs round and round each other. “So that’s why you weren’t at lunch.”
“I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you, but my father pulled me away. He didn’t give me time to explain. Why? Were you worried about me?” he moved closer and smiled. I looked up at him and shoved him.
“You’re such a loser.”
He shoved me back. “You’re the loser.” He stood. “Anyway, I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow. Okay? Get some sleep.”
“Hey, I was already sleeping. You woke me up because you couldn’t sleep.”
“Funny. Sweet dreams. Okay?”
“You too.” I smiled at him and slipped back into bed as he let himself out. I could’ve sworn I saw him wink on the way out.
