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Absolution by Carlyle Lubuschagne – Cover Reveal

Absolution Confessions of a clone

is book one in The Broken Diaries series of novellas.

Can be read as a stand alone or as a companion novella to

Expected release date: October 2014

Genre: Upper YA Science Fiction Cover Designed by Rachel Morgan – Morgan Media


So my secret is out you say? That would depend which secret you are referring to. That I am a clone? Everyone knows that by now. Or that I have a dark disease pulsating through my veins, one I am quite fond of? Big deal. It’s exciting, never to have to hold back, unpredictability is a drug. We all crave it. So what possible secret could I hold that is worth keeping? Imagine me giving you a sly smirk right now because I have not the misfortune of compassion that will cause me to spill my secrets. Without them there is no hand to be dealt.

Will my secret keep him close? Perhaps. But here is my confession, I have something better than secrecy. I have absolution. With me, he is not bound, it will be out of choice. With me, he never has to hold back. And I would love him for the good and especially in the bad. When I gave my word that I’d stop my tricks – I lied. That’s the thing with obsession. It does not care. It only wants, and it is so fixated on want, that it becomes need, and it shall have all it wants and needs. And while I have no time to ponder who I am, clone – what a stupid word, I am already on my way to loving him forever. That’s how I play it, because I just don’t care. Everyone knows I am nothing like my pathetic prime. That with me, it’s all bad intentions and violent, narcissistic adoration. That is not who I am. I am but one thing – in absolution.

About The Author

Carlyle Labuschagne is a South African award wining author working her way into the hearts of international readers with her first two books in the Broken Trilogy. Her first young adult dystopian novel “The Broken Destiny” reached top 3 in its YA debut Category. The Sequel Evanescent won YATR literary award for best Sci-Fi book 2013.

Carlyle loves to swim, fights for the trees, and is a food lover who is driven by her passion for life. Carlyle also writes for IU e-magazine India, an inspirational non-profit magazine that aims at inspiring the world through words. The drive behind her author career is healing through words. Carlyle is also the founder of the first annual book drive – Help Build A Library in Africa Project. And hopes to launch her very own Indie book festival in Johannesburg March 2015. “My goal as an author is to touch people’s lives, and help others love their differences and one another.

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